The King’s Speech

The King’s Speech (04/20/2011)

I have never been as angry after a President’s speech as I was last week. Being forthright, I do not like Obama, never have, and never will. I believe he was unqualified to lead our country, has blamed others for his failures, will not hold himself accountable, and ultimately we disagree on the direction our country should go. Furthermore, I believe the Republicans have nothing different to offer than to protect their own interests and continue stealing our freedoms.

The King had an opportunity to win the American people over to the proposals for our future. Our fiscal situation is dire, inflation is increasing, wages are falling, energy and food prices are increasing, the Democrats have proposed spending $1.4 trillion more than tax revenues will produce, and in just 2 years the King and his court have increased the national debt 33%. The Jester, John Boehner, bragged regarding the bipartisan budget agreement, largest in history, but that lie only survived a week. The CBO reported the “real” cuts are only $352 million, less than 1% of the lie put to us.

The King, Jester, court, and sleeping beauty (Joe Biden) know how government works; let me explain. Let’s say you and I spend $100/month on eating out and decide next month we will budget $50 more dollars for dining. Using government accounting if we reduce the total budget to $120, we “saved” $30! There were no cuts; we just didn’t spend what we planned to, unlike spending $70 you and I would have inferred. Because my children’s future is in peril let me propose true government responsibility: mandatory 15% income tax for everyone, 20% for all corporations, and reducing the tax code to just one page as there will be no deductions of any kind. Second, eliminate the Departments of Energy, Education, Interior, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services. Third, close all foreign military bases. Fourth, eliminate public funding of arts, Planned Parenthood, charitable programs, and any constitutionally questionable program. Fifth, cut all Congressional member and staff budgets and salaries by 50%. Sixth, eliminate all civil service pension plans and special medical plans. Seventh, remind our elderly that Social Security and Medicare were supplemental programs, not entitlements, and cut the monthly benefit to $750/person, regardless of income or marriage.

Only radical, truthful proposals will work to save our country. A parent makes tough decisions and redirects behavior; similarly we need politicians to lead, not steal our futures. The current tomfoolery will continue to strengthen the uprising and anger in America and revolution against the elected royalty will occur.