King and Queen

Much ado was made last week regarding the Obama’s and their lavish travels. Our presidents have historically found themselves in a conflictingly awkward position, servants to the taxpayers, but yet head of state. With the press covering trips to Spain and Chicago in the same week, there was discussion regarding the cost to taxpayers by the major news networks. The criticism was not only domestic, but extended to Western newspapers overseas. Ms. Obama’s trip to Spain required a $140,000 in aircraft costs and nearly another $100,000 in security costs.

By comparison, many Americans found their life and opportunity worsening last week. Unemployment showed stagnant growth conditions, coming in twice as bad as predicted and including a downward revision for June. The USDA reported a record 40.8 million Americans received food stamps in June. My research showed in 2008 the number averaged 24.8 million, and a record 35 million were reported in September 2009. Three years have passed since the Great Recession started and trillions have been spent, but fundamentally America’s economy has remained on the brink of failure. Remember the fat-finger stock trade? Have you tried to get a loan or re-finance? Look at the number of homes for sale all around and try finding a buyer. Among other recent reports was Social Security is now operating in the red, approximately 28% of mortgages are underwater, Fannie Mae had losses and is seeking bailouts, and consumers continue to withdraw from spending.

Conservative news outlets have jumped on the bandwagon of criticizing Ms. Obama for her trip, especially while many Americans are suffering. But, before jumping to conclusions, the first question is whether the Obama’s travels are excessive compared to the last half dozen presidents. The Obama’s are taking care of us, according to them; maybe these two people are deserving of grand vacations, at taxpayer expense. The people of the Gulf of Mexico would have benefitted from the publicity and international focus Spain is enjoying, just as Ms. Obama touted in June. If I were advising the Obama’s I would suggest they learn humility, stop golfing and entertaining, quit campaigning, roll up their sleeves, and get to know America. The Obama’s need to come to my neighborhood and meet real, hardworking, hurting Americans; parents working overtime unable to afford $20 for a meal out. However, royalty never visits peasants.